Great Loop Planning
April 2005
1-15 May 2005
16-31 May 2005
1-15 June 2005
16-30 June 2005
1-15 July 2005
16-31 July 2005
1-15 August 2005
16-31 August 2005
1-15 September 2005
16-30 September 2005
1-15 October 2005
15-31 October 2005
1-7 November 2005

16-30 September 2005

Midway Marina, Fulton MS to ...

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Date Location Log and Pictures
9/16 to 9/28 Midway Marina, Fulton, MS Barny is home in Arizona and I'm here working on maintenance on the boat.  We've decided to stay here until the 30th, letting the weather settle down in the Gulf Coast.  There will be few updates during this two weeks.
9/29 Fulton, MS We're back aboard after an eventful two weeks.  During Barny's visit home he learned his mother was hospitalized in Roswell, NM.  He went to Roswell and had to place his mother in a nursing home.  She is fine now and being well cared for.  I left for a visit to Colonial Beach to see Carey, taking Durango with me in a rental car.  Once Barny was satisfied his mother was in good care he flew to Washington DC where I picked him up. We drove back to Fulton MS, arriving this afternoon. Last night we visited with my cousin Junie in Knoxville, who was so kind to provide us a place to stay and a great steak dinner.  Tomorrow we'll restart the trip, heading down the Tenn-Tom.
9/30 Aberdeen Marina, MS Dawn saw me returning the rental car to Tupelo, the birth place of Elvis.  Finally underway at 10:30 AM, we traveled about 40 miles thru three locks and moored at Aberdeen Marina.  The marina stop was to fuel, as Midway was out of fuel and we are fueling at every possibility because of the potential of finding marinas without fuel.  We now have fuel to make Pensacola, FL should it be necessary.  We went to dinner at Longhorns, a 10 mile drive by the marina's courtesy car.  It is a dry county so we had sweet tea and a ok steak for less than $10.  The restaurant was crowded and there was a waiting list.  We waited in a room with a large table -- no bar -- where we heard the story of a Southern Baptist minister who is now ministering in the Methodist faith.  This is an area of sweet tea, bread and potatoes, and religion.  We really enjoyed the evening.  The waterway trip was interesting viewing barge operating areas and the plentiful tree stumps in the waterway as they did not clear before flooding the area with the locks and dams to make the waterway navigable.

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